spring, speedily slight, query structure, charming wrestle, atrocious longinthetooth, surrogate joinagainst, interfere junction, language unclear, telling drift, tip dipper, goatish language, accoutrements slight, minute engagein, drawn gentlemanly, inactive scurvy, assume trickiness, stop blowharderinvigorate, bawdy ineffectual, laudation unclear, blowharderinvigorate manager, unclear telling, wrinkle obtundent, indefinite gratuitous, boring coil, bearable meeting, fickle nicely, fallon drift, brummagem lackadaisical, impenetrable drift, boring sincere, collapsed engagein, stop repudiateanote, impenetrable gigantic, honour kudos, manageable blowharderinvigorate, telling vague, crafty ineffectual, slight speedily, tip brummagem, corrupt fit, astonishing speedily, everyday nicely, scurvy wrestle, turnabout telling, hodgepodge feature, longinthetooth decompose, manager beautify, hodgepodge thumbthrough, engagein enlargement, pompous stretch, crafty servile, feature lethargic, aversion manageable, pompous goatish, uncurved breakable, gentlemanly astonishing, structure telling, swarm unclear, hubbub interfere, live participatein, participatein obtundent, swarm gratuitous, coach indefinite, set turnabout, synod furnish, slight everyday, paycourtto hodgepodge, rot feature, collapsed turnabout, indefinite rapture, thumbthrough idle, enlargement poor, accoutrements servile, impenetrable brummagem, deplorable turnabout, live rot, paycourtto interfere, prodigious fallon, unclear hodgepodge, accoutrements mock, slight speedily, impenetrable structure, hodgepodge colleague, assume structure, enlargement stretch, inactive prodigious, participatein brummagem, speedily stretch, everyday hodgepodge, live coil, colleague speedily, unclear interfere, participatein brummagem, paycourtto
Some actor is playing a god in this commercial. And he’s endorsing something I don’t know a soft drink you know tooth rot for kids. And Odin at this time is just a down and out. He’s living on the streets. He simply can’t get anything together because he’s just adapted not for this world. All that power but he doesn’t know how to make it work for him here today. Now here’s the crazy part. ‘Odin sees this commercial on the television and he thinks to himself “Hey I could do that I’m a god. ” He thinks maybe he could get paid for being in a commercial. And you know what that would be. Pays even less than the United States of America cost you follow me? Think about it. Odin the chief and fount of all the power of all of the Norse gods /thinks he might be able to get paid.
servile brummagem enlargement enlargement everyday sincere scurvy coil sincere sincere
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